════════ Mad Cow Party Band (2019 - 2021) ════════

Mad Cow The Band - 2002 To 2021
History Page - Find Us On facebook
You can't keep a good band down and Mad Cow was one of the best.
Krazy Kat had come to a grinding halt so what to do? Tony and I have known each other for well over 35 years now and the old saying "Great minds think alike" couldn't be more applicable here.
The day it was decided Krazy Kat was to finish Tony sent me a simple message, "Time to bring it back?" with the old Mad Cow video attached. At the time I received the message I was just about to hit send on an email saying "Is it time to think about bringing Mad Cow back?".
A couple of days later Tony contacted both Emilia and Perry from our Mad Cow days and they were interested so all we needed was a Bass player and Keyboardist. Perry suggested he contact Franky Valentyn who had done a few fill ins for Mad Cow. They were always great nights as Franky is such a great talent and front person. Franky is normally very busy and we thought, no way he'd get back into a band again but what's the harm in asking ... right? To our surprise and great joy he was interested, saying he had just recently been thinking of joining a band again. Tony found a Bass player Paul Eve and just like that we were a band again.
Tony Crisafulli – Lead Vocals
Emilia Pirri-Depares - Lead Vocals
Perry Eves – Guitar/Vocals
Franky Valentyn – Keyboards/Guitar/Vocals
Paul Eve – Bass
Greg Morris – Drums/Vocals/Samples
We started gigging in September 2019 click HERE for list of all gigs.

Unfortunately as I'm sure all of you are aware COVID-19 came into our lives back in early 2020 which caused most of the live entertainment industry to stop dead in it's tracks.
There was a small window where things started to return to normal around December but by April 2021 it was over again when COVID mutated into the DELTA strain and we only managed to do two gigs during that time.
With no gigs we lost any momentum we had and it was decided to call it quits ... a sad way to finish that's for sure.
Over the last 6 months I have had some medical issues and have decided to have a break from playing live for a while and considering what my next step will be.
I still have recording with Two's Plenty with Mark, which is still a lot of fun.

© 2024 | All rights reserved | Greg Morris