═════════ Two's Plenty (2010) (2017 - Present) ═════════
IF YOU HAVE come this far on my journey or simply clicked on Two's Plenty to see what it's all about you have reached my latest project.

2'S PLENTY!! WAS another side project I had going with Mark Laidler during Mad Cow. It was just going to be for the two of us, two old mates having a bit of fun making music like we did when we first started playing together after school back in 1973. Only this time hopefully the neighbour's didn't throw any stones on the roof!!
Mark Laidler - Guitars/Keyboards/Vocals
Greg Morris - Drums/Percussion/Vocals
I was also going to use my Roland SPD-S sampler to trigger a few sounds to give it a bit more colour.
The idea was mostly for a bit of fun and it was a good way for two friends who don't see each other often to get together and have a bit of a yack and a few laughs. We always worked well together in The Fringe & The Undecided? and working with him for six and a half year doing the PA & Lighting were fun just spending time with him.
Unfortunately Mark wasn't really up for it and it folded after about 12 months with us only getting together a few times. Those times we did get together to rehearse it was sounding pretty good and we could have done the odd Sunday afternoon gig somewhere which was all it was ever meant to be .... but, it wasn't to be.
It's a shame really, as Mark is such a talent but he just doesn't know it, or more to the point, doesn't accept it.
It's always been a pleasure to work with him or to just get together and have a jam and that all important yack and a few laughs!!

*** UPDATE 2017 ***
WELL, THINGS HAVE changed since I last talked about Two's Plenty. Both Mark and I have retired and we've renewed our interest in doing something together again. We've even got a new logo and facebook page!!
Find us on facebook

We've started recording songs too which is a lot of fun. We have a YouTube channel where I have created videos for the original songs and they can be viewed HERE. Or go to our facebook page for even more videos. Some examples below for your listening and viewing pleasure, including one which our friend from high school Wayne Fussell features on lead vocals. All songs are also on ReverbNation, just click on the link below .. enjoy!!

More videos HERE

After retiring, Mark Laidler has had the urge to put together another PA and lighting rig and has again started hiring to bands. So I have decided I'd like to tag along and give him a hand when I can. He's called it Giggin' About - PA & Lighting Hire and when he told people he was back it wasn't long and he was working again. It's been a lot of fun playing around with the lights again and having a few laughs with a good mate.
So that's where I'm at for now, thanks for coming along on this ride with me. I hope you got that odd smile or two and maybe feel I have had a bit of a career worth reading about.
Please come back for more updates as my journey has not quite finished yet ... but for now, be happy and above all, stay safe!!
Greg "The Bear" Morris

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